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"An Engaging Ghost Tale for an Early or Middle Grade Reader" -Joel S.

"How can I even begin to describe this book? It was like reading a mashup of Coraline and The Nightmare Before Christmas" -Amanda L.

"Fun, clever, and sweet, perfect for middle grade readers but still enjoyable for an adult audience" - Samantha E.

"The author did a fantastic job making this her own and taking the reader into another world" -Sheena
Every day, thirteen-year-old Henry Bats has his usual bowl of Sugar Slugs, helps tend Cobalt Sidewinders at Frank’s Peculiar Pets, and keeps to himself with his comic book collection. Just your typical day in Grimworld, where the sky is always dark and shadows lurk in the streets. What’s not typical is a suspicious Nightspook luring Henry into a cemetery in the middle of the night with the promise of a prized comic book. The Nightspook steals part of Henry's lifespan with a pocket watch, which begins counting down to his death. Henry is running out of time, and the pocket watch won't stop ticking...
The land of Grimworld is always dark, spooky, and crawling with strange entities. With dense cities and desolate forests, mysteries and secrecy lurk around every corner. But how did the Grimworld get so dark? Where did all these entities come from? Will we ever find out? Maybe someday…

Universe: Grimworld
Regions: Umbra, Penumbra, Antumbra
Geography/Landscape: Sprawling forests, compact cities
Climate: Consistently dark, cold, and foggy
Technology: Payphones, phonographs, typewriters, TVs
Entities: Varied
Just your usual comic book obsessed, arachnid loving thirteen-year-old with an animosity for worms and creepy butlers.

Nickname: Hen
Age: 13
Likes: Comic books, arachnids, snakes, RIP
Dislikes: Worms
Hobbies: Caring for Corn Chip the tarantula
Goals: Not die, achieve the largest comic book collection
Motto: Always bring snacks!
Thoughts on Jacoby Dread: That guy’s creepy…and he really needs to tone it down with the doll
A year older than Henry, he’s a bit on the quieter side, a bit more mature, and more than a bit taller.

Nickname: Lang
Age: 14
Likes: Science, quiet afternoons, Squish & Squirm, riding the bus with his dad
Dislikes: Madam Desmona’s feet
Hobbies: Sitting in the graveyard by Sable Avenue
Goals: Doesn’t really know
Motto: Talk to people, not shadows
Thoughts on RIP: I’m glad Henry introduced me to it, their lasagna is really good. I’ll have to take my dad sometime

The Grimworld is filled with odd characters, and it seems that many are holding onto a secret, whether it be a pocket watch that won’t come off, a house full of worms, or a certain, particular book. Click on a name to get to know these characters and learn what makes them tick. More profiles are sure to pop up in the future.

A small delectable treat with a strange, gooey webbing covering its purple frosting. A sugar spider rests in the center. Hattie has had enough of these.
Everyone’s favorite dish at RIP, complete with a fresh sprig of Boosprit.
The name 'Botsworth' seems to be everywhere in the Grimworld, even on a candy bar. It’s got little green pebbles throughout its sinister dark chocolate. I wonder what flavor it is.

The cuisine of Grimworld is quite…something. From scream-worthy desserts to questionable brews, choose a fare from the menu to learn more. Additional items will certainly be made available soon.

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