About Avery's Book Land

To some, books, movies, and other media can seem like insignificant stories, but really, these things can all be much more than that. A story can be your friend in dark times, bring together complete strangers, turn the mundane into something extraordinary, or even make up a large part of your childhood or adulthood. I write fantasy books for younger audiences (although older readers are welcome and encouraged) to hopefully do what I’ve described above – offer a piece of escape from daily life, stir your imagination, or to simply help pass the time. This website is an extension of those stories, because just writing a book isn't enough.

So enjoy exploring Avery’s Book Land, and I’d love it if you found some solace or entertainment in my stories. Thanks for reading!


The Team

Avery Moray
Writer and Plant Enthusiast

I live in a land with tall mountains and wide plains with two furry sidekicks and my one non-furry accomplice. I like sweets, cats, Halloween, and love creating all kinds of things, stories being one of them, of course. When I'm not writing, you can find me waiting for my houseplants to grow, watching the birds in the backyard, or bothering Hugo and Luna.

Department of Strange Sleeping Positions

Hugo likes sleeping on shoes, belly rubs, high-pitched meowing, and he thinks he’d like to eat paper and/or plastic. He’s especially fond of catnip and performing professional bunny kicks on toys. If he’s hungry, you’ll surely know about it.

Bath and Sink Water Testing Bureau

Luna likes aggressive playtime, finger chewing, spaghetti noodles, and making crazy jaguar meows. She has a special talent for tricking Hugo out of the tallest perch of the cat tree so she can sleep there instead, and excels at box climbing and tube running.